Encore! Mt Morris

Painting Our Legacy on The Canvas of History

Visit the Encore! Porchfest 2017 Site
See How You Can Participate in Encore! Porchfest 2017

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ENCORE! Mt. Morris is bringing a New Annual Festival to the Community.

Our First Porchfest is scheduled for Saturday, June 10
th, 2017 and we're marking our calendar with each second Saturday in June for years to come.

PorchFest is a community music festival where all genres' of musicians perform for one hour on porches within the boundaries of the event. The audience moves from location to location as the event progresses.

Porchfest began in Ithica New York in 2007, inspired by some outdoor ukulele playing and a conversation between neighbors Gretchen Hildreth and Lesley Greene. They came up with the idea for it that day and gathered 20 bands to make it happen

Porchfest is the ultimate grassroots music festival and has grown not just in Ithaca but around the continent. Communities and neighborhoods all around the country have taken the model and run with it. There are more than 60 other known Porchfests in the U.S. and Canada and Mt. Morris, IL has joined the list.

We’d like to sing a shout out to the Porchfest folks in Oakhurst, GA for their ideas and support in helping us design our process.

ENCORE PORCHFEST Mt. Morris goes live on Saturday, June 10
th from 1–5pm. We’re looking for folks to Participate: You can do this as a porch host (make sure your porch is within the festival boundaries). Or as a musical performer (anyone’s welcome). Or as a volunteer to help out. Or simply as a neighbor or visitor wandering about enjoying the fun.

Please help spread the word!

Visit the Encore! Porchfest 2017 Site
See How You Can Participate in Encore! Porchfest 2017